Best Gear Upgrades for Rune Dragon Alt Osrs UPDATED

Best Gear Upgrades for Rune Dragon Alt Osrs

Horadric Cube Y'all will find the Horadric Cube in a chest on level 3 of the Halls of the Expressionless, while you are progressing through the Horadric Staff Quest in Act II.  Non only is the cube useful to transmute items, merely it too serves equally extra storage infinite.
Horadric Cube Transmutation Recipes Runes Ingredients Patch Version Issue 3 of the same Rune
simply works for the about common Runes: El, Eld, Tir, Nef, Eth, Ith, Tal, Ral, Ort
v1.09 1 of the next Rune
iii El's give you 1 Eld.... 3 Eld's requite you 1 the order listed to the left.
3 Thul Runes + 1 Chipped Topaz v1.10 Amn Rune 3 Amn Runes + ane Chipped Amethyst v1.ten Sol Rune 3 Sol Runes + one Chipped Sapphire v1.10 Shael Rune 3 Shael Runes + one Chipped Ruby v1.10 Dol Rune three Dol Runes + 1 Chipped Emerald v1.10 Hel Rune
Simply works for Single-Player, Open up, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
3 Hel Runes + 1 Chipped Diamond v1.x Io Rune
But works for Single-Thespian, Open, or Ladder Characters; non for Normal Characters on the Realms.
3 Io Runes + 1 Flawed Topaz v1.10 Lum Rune
Only works for Single-Actor, Open, or Ladder Characters; non for Normal Characters on the Realms.
3 Lum Runes + 1 Flawed Amethyst v1.x Ko Rune
Only works for Single-Thespian, Open, or Ladder Characters; non for Normal Characters on the Realms.
3 Ko Runes + 1 Flawed Sapphire v1.10 Fal Rune
Only works for Single-Player, Open, or Ladder Characters; non for Normal Characters on the Realms.
three Fal Runes + ane Flawed Ruby v1.ten Lem Rune
Only works for Single-Actor, Open up, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
3 Lem Runes + 1 Flawed Emerald v1.10 Pul Rune
Only works for Single-Histrion, Open, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
2 Pul Runes + 1 Flawed Diamond v1.x Um Rune
Only works for Single-Histrion, Open, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
2 Um Runes + ane Topaz v1.10 Mal Rune
Simply works for Single-Player, Open, or Ladder Characters; non for Normal Characters on the Realms.
two Mal Runes + 1 Amethyst v1.10 Ist Rune
Only works for Unmarried-Role player, Open, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
2 Ist Runes + 1 Sapphire v1.10 Gul Rune
Only works for Unmarried-Player, Open up, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
2 Gul Runes + 1 Ruby v1.10 Vex Rune
Only works for Single-Role player, Open, or Ladder Characters; non for Normal Characters on the Realms.
2 Vex Runes + 1 Emerald v1.ten Ohm Rune
Just works for Single-Player, Open, or Ladder Characters; non for Normal Characters on the Realms.
2 Ohm Runes + 1 Diamond v1.ten Lo Rune
Just works for Single-Player, Open up, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
2 Lo Runes + ane Flawless Topaz v1.10 Sur Rune
But works for Unmarried-Thespian, Open, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
two Sur Runes + 1 Flawless Amethyst v1.x Ber Rune
Merely works for Single-Player, Open up, or Ladder Characters; non for Normal Characters on the Realms.
2 Ber Runes + 1 Flawless Sapphire v1.x Jah Rune
Only works for Unmarried-Player, Open, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
ii Jah Runes + 1 Flawless Ruby v1.10 Cham Rune
Only works for Single-Actor, Open, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
2 Cham Runes + one Flawless Emerald v1.x Zod Rune
Only works for Unmarried-Histrion, Open, or Ladder Characters; not for Normal Characters on the Realms.
Gems Ingredients Patch Version Upshot iii Gems of the aforementioned type and course (except perfect) v1.09 1 Gem of the side by side higher course Jewelry Ingredients Patch Version Outcome 3 Rings v1.09 ane Amulet
a higher level character will get a better quality amulet
iii Amulets v1.09 i Ring
a higher level grapheme volition go a better quality band
i Ring + 1 Perfect Emerald + 1 Antidote potion v1.09 one Jade Ring
21-30% Poison Resistance
1 Ring + 1 Perfect Ruby + ane Exploding potion v1.09 1 Garnet Band
21-30% Burn Resistance
1 Ring + i Perfect Sapphire + 1 Thawing potion v1.09 1 Cobalt Ring
21-30% Common cold Resistance
ane Band + one Perfect Topaz + 1 Rejuvenation potion v1.09 one Coral Ring
21-30% Lightning Resistance
6 Perfect Gems (one of each type except Skull) + Amulet v1.09 1 Prismatic Amulet
16-25% Resist All
Potions Ingredients Patch Version Result 3 Wellness + iii Mana + 1 Gem (standard- Normal) v1.09 1 Total Rejuvenation potion 3 Fractional Rejuvenation potions v1.09 one Full Rejuvenation potion three Wellness potions + 3 Mana potions + 1 chipped gem v1.09 one Partial Rejuvenation potion 1 Wellness potion + 1 Strangling gas potion v1.09 1 Antidote potion Weapons Ingredients Patch Version Outcome 1 Perfect Skull + ane Rare Detail + Stone of Jordan v1.09 1 High Quality Rare Item of the same blazon 3 Perfect Skulls + one Rare Particular + Stone of Jordan v1.09 Volition add ane Socket to the Rare Item IF the item is socketable vi Perfect Skulls + 1 Rare Item v1.09 i Rare Particular of the same type (volition not work on items larger than 3x2) 4 Wellness Potions (any quality) + 1 Ruby (whatsoever quality) + 1 Magic/Gear up/Rare sword v1.09 1 Long Sword of the Leech
3-19 Impairment, four-seven% Life Steal
i Diamond (whatever quality) + 1 Staff + 1 Kris + i Belt
items used can be of any type or quality
v1.09 1 Barbarous Polearm form weapon
66-80% Damage
two Quivers of Bolts v1.09 1 Quiver of Arrows 2 Quivers of Arrows v1.09 i Quiver of Bolts 1 Spear + i Quiver of Arrows v1.09 1 Stack of Javelins i Axe + 1 Dagger v1.09 1 Throwing Axe three Perfect Gems (whatever blazon) + 1 Magic Particular v1.09 1 New Magic Item of the aforementioned type 3 Standard Gems (normal) and 1 Socketed Weapon (Whatever Type) v1.x 1 Socketed Magic Weapon (of same type) 3 Flawless Gems + 1 Magic Weapon v1.x Socketed Magic Weapon 1 Ral Rune + 1 Amn Rune + ane Perfect Amethyst + Normal Weapon v1.x Socketed Weapon of same blazon 1 Eld Rune + one Chipped Gem + Low Quality Weapon v1.10 Normal Quality Weapon of aforementioned blazon 1 Ral Rune + 1 Sol Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Normal Unique Weapon v1.10 Exceptional Version of Weapon 1 Lum Rune + i Pul Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Exceptional Unique Weapon v1.10 Elite Version of Weapon
Ladder only
ane Ort Rune + Weapon v1.ten Fully Repaired Weapon 1 Hel Rune + Scroll of Boondocks Portal + Any Socketed Item v1.10 Unsocket that item
This will destroy whatever gems, runes, or jewels you have socketed.
i Ort Rune + ane Amn Rune + 1 perfect Sapphire + 1 normal rare weapon v1.10 Exceptional Rare Weapon 1 Fal Rune + 1 Um Rune + one perfect Sapphire + 1 exceptional rare weapon v1.10 Elite Rare Weapon 1 Ort Rune + 1 chipped gem + weapon v1.10 Fully repaired and recharged weapon Armor Ingredients Patch Version Result 1 Small Magical Shield + 1 Spiked Gild (any quality) + 2 Skulls (whatever quality) v1.09 1 Small Shield of Spikes i Tal Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Topaz + Normal Body Armor v1.x Socketed Trunk Armor of same type 1 Ral Rune + ane Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Sapphire + Normal Helm v1.10 Socketed Captain of same type 1 Tal Rune + 1 Amn Rune + ane Perfect Blood-red + Normal Shield v1.10 Socketed Shield of same type ane El Rune + 1 Chipped Gem + Low Quality Armor v1.10 Normal Quality Armor of same type 1 Tal Rune + 1 Shael Rune + 1 Perfect Diamond + Normal Unique Armor v1.10 Infrequent Version of Armor 1 Ko Rune + 1 Lem Rune + one Perfect Diamond + Exceptional Unique Armor v1.10 Elite Version of Armor
Ladder only -- it has been reported that this besides works in non-Ladder games
one Ral Rune + Armor v1.ten Fully Repaired Armor 1 Ral Rune + ane Thul Rune + 1 perfect Amethyst + 1 normal rare armor v1.10 Exceptional rare Armor 1 Ko Rune + one Pul Rune + i perfect Amethyst + 1 exceptional rare armor v1.10 Aristocracy Rare Armor ane Ral Rune + one flawed precious stone + armor v1.10 Fully repaired and recharged armor 1 Hel Rune + Scroll of Town Portal + Any Socketed Item v1.10 Unsocket that item
This volition destroy whatsoever gems, runes, or jewels you have socketed.
Quest Recipes Cow Quest Portal Ingredients Patch Version Result Wirt'due south leg + Tome of Town Portal

Y'all MUST have completed the game and killed Diablo (Baal, if you lot're playing the Expansion),
and you MUST be in the Rogue Encampment,
and the difficulty level of the current game MUST be the same as the one that you have completed
(if y'all have completed a normal level game, you lot must start a normal level game, if you accept completed a nightmare level game, y'all must commencement a nightmare game.....get it?)
Make sure you've done all of the above, then transmute.

v1.09 A cerise portal volition open to The Cow Level.

See this page for info on the Cow Level

Tal Rasha'south Tomb Ingredients Patch Version Consequence Staff of Kings + Viper Amulet v1.09 Horadric Staff

Employ the Horadric Staff to open Tal Rasha's Tomb in Act II

Khalim'due south Will Ingredients Patch Version Result Khalim'southward Eyes + Khalim'south Heart + Khalim's Brain + Khalim'south Flail v1.09 Khalim's Will

Utilize Khalim'south Volition to destroy the Compelling Orb and enter the Durance of Hate in Act III.

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Best Gear Upgrades for Rune Dragon Alt Osrs UPDATED

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